It's been a couple of days since I last posted, but I'm not sure that too much has changed! I've spent the last couple of days trying to finish up some chores around the house and running last minute errands, hopeful that I'll be able to spend some time this weekend getting some relaxing in...if I can just turn my mind off of what's to come next week! I got my last pre-surgery haircut tonight...I absolutely loved my haircut before, but knew that if I didn't chop some more length off, it would drive me crazy before I would be able to sit down for a haircut again...especially the mullet that seems to take off in the back! That was so nice and relaxing; what is it about someone playing with your hair that is so calming?! There are only a couple more small items on my "to-do-before-Monday-list," but I've come to realize that it's okay if I don't take the time to dust my car out, clean out the bathroom closet, and completely catch up on laundry. I think that it's more important at this time to take the time to relax and enjoy the people I'm with instead of worrying about the things that didn't get cleaned and might not for a couple of months, right?!
To try to keep a positive outlook on this surgery, I want to talk a little bit about what I'm excited for after surgery and the positive impact that this will have on me...there's always a light at the end of the tunnel!! I know that the pain and recovery are going to be out of this world (from what I've read online, women who have both had children and had fusion surgery have mentioned that the back surgery was more painful than giving birth!), but I need to keep my mind on the long term pain, no gain!! I hope that this summer I can spend time gardening outside...I wasn't able to tend much to the flowers last summer (hence the weeds that were taller than the flowers!), and hope that I'll be able to hang out and play in the dirt more this year. I look forward to spending more time being active and going for long walks and hikes...I haven't been to Whitewater State Park in years, and would really like to go and hike around the park this summer as well...that sounds like a pretty good and realistic goal! I'd like to be able to spend some time tent camping in the Madison area with my cousin and her husband. I'd like to be able to horse around more with my young nephews like I watch Leo do with them. I'd like to be able to get comfortable, no matter if I am standing, sitting, or lying down. I'd like to be able to carry a load of laundry upstairs by myself without pain. I'd like to be able to babysit and carry around baby Vierus (if my neighbor's let me!), when the baby comes late summer. I'd like to be able to start a family of my own without having to worry about my back! All of these things will come with time, and all of these things will help keep me motivated when I'm feeling down and overwhelmed. I have hope!!
I have my last pre-op meeting with my surgeon and some members of his team tomorrow, and I should learn more details about what to expect both with the actual surgery and recovery. I'm anxious to learn more about what to expect and to have a better idea of what they might do. All the more reason to get to bed and get a good night's sleep so I can process all of tomorrow's information! And then, it'll be a weekend of RELAXING!!
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