It's been awhile since I've last posted, but this last week has been filled with some fun days, great guests, and some encouraging adventures!! I'll post more about what this past week has brought soon, but not until at least tomorrow afternoon, as my cousin Jenni has been staying with us for the past couple of days but unfortunately has to get back to Middleton, Wisconsin, to work on Wednesday so tomorrow will be her last day with us.
I just wanted to make a quick post, as it was four weeks ago today that I had surgery!! How fast did this past month fly by?! Today Jenni and I went and walked around Quarry Hill Nature Center here in Rochester after a quick picnic, and we ended up walking around the park for a total of about two miles! Sure, it was a slow pace and I was pretty reliant on my cane, but what a milestone! I'm feeling a little sore tonight and am trying to spend some time laying down to relax my back, but it was great to get out and do some walking around that was not around the neighborhood.
And today, the last of my steri-strips covering my incisions came off! My abdominal incision has been steri-strip free for about a week now, but finally the back ones were ready to come off (maybe with a little help with some picking...I just couldn't help it!)...both incisions look good (or so I think...I have nothing to compare them too!). My back incision is extremely sensitive though, and although I've been trying to stop wearing my abdominal brace for a few hours a day, my clothing seems to irritate the incision and the skin on one side of the incision terribly! I had mentioned the especially-tender area to one of my doctors at the appointment two weeks after surgery, and they said the sensitivity is likely the result of a pressure point resulting from lying on my back in a certain position for so long during surgery. Hopefully these nerves figure out that they don't need to hurt all the time sometime soon!
Alright, time to get serious here..."Hall Pass" is in the DVD player and I need to concentrate on that! Another post will come soon...I've already promised one on post-surgery home equipment and now one sharing my adventures of the last week!
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