Thursday, March 8, 2012

Starting to feel a little better!!

It's been a rough couple days since ive last posted, but just wanted to write quick that I'm finally starting to feel better! I got some good rest (just needed to move every couple of hours) last night, so that definitely helped! I'm still on a liquid diet, but have really been starting to take in more so that's helped with my energy! Spiked a fever yesterday of 101* but that's back under control. I'm going to the bathroom, which has also helped with my mobility. Today with PT I climbed a couple of stairs (to simulate the three stairs we have going into the house), and did quite a bit of walking! I think just getting off the PCA pump and quitting those narcotics was a huge help...they were making me so tired, nauseous, and completely unmotivated! The docs have stopped in quite a few times and it sounds like my incision looks good...they said the back incision is about three inches and the abdominal one is at least six inches long! I'm still nervous to look at it but I better get used to it!

Okay, I'm dropping fast here so this isn't too long but know that I'm doing pretty well! Definitely won't be getting out today but hopefully tomorrow! I'll post tomorrow hopefully!! Thanks for the continued well wishes and warm thoughts!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Cindy-keep doing good and if you need any reading material or anything let me know
